29 Apr 2010

Taky vam tak chybelo moje silene ja??

Víš co mi řek ten podělanej žabožrout, Bobžo??
Prej, že sem nudná!! No to mě nasral!! Nejhorší věc co mi mohl říct...
A fuck!!! On měl pravdu...tohle zjištění ve mně objevilo mé staréé jáá!! 
Enjoy the summer!!!!!!!
5 BRAINWASH: April 2010 Víš co mi řek ten p odělanej ž abožrout, Bo bžo?? Prej, že sem nudná!! No to m ě nasra l!! Nejhor š í věc co mi m ohl říct... A fu ck! !!...

22 Apr 2010

Prý mám oči jako ona...asi ne...co myslíš??
5 BRAINWASH: April 2010 Prý mám oči jako ona...asi ne...co myslíš??

18 Apr 2010

Im afraid that it will end..
Im afraid that it will never be the same..
Im afraid of bleak dreams..
Im afraid that I wont breath..

Red eyes everyday? Is that what you wanted me to have?
thanks my love...You've done enough...
5 BRAINWASH: April 2010 Im afraid that it will end.. Im afraid that it will never be the same.. Im afraid of bleak dreams.. Im afraid that I wont breath.. Red...

15 Apr 2010

Sometimes you just don't have anything to believe in...

I've lost almost everything...I've lost my friends..I've lost my lover..Hey Brian you're right!
I'm flying in the sky made of my dreams ... but they'are falling apart slowly and I'm falling to the hell among them.
Give me a reason! Give me a reason! Give me a reason to trust you!
Give me a chance to live...
5 BRAINWASH: April 2010 I've lost almost everything...I've lost my friends..I've lost my lover..Hey Brian you're right! GOT NO FRIENDS GOT NO LOVER...

11 Apr 2010

Stranger in my dreams

I'm thinking about people....cause I have to write an essay about humanity...What is Humanity??
The only thing I know is that it's not what I see all around me...but I have perfect example of  unhumanity!
This girl changed my life...sometimes you think that now nothing can suprise you..and then..she comes..her rebellious thinking just drives me crazy :D She's always late,she's always the unlucky one...but I love her...look and tell that she's normal..no she's not! When Brian is singing Why can't you be me? I miss her much more...Hahaha on Friday we'll have Great cleaning day!!! :D
5 BRAINWASH: April 2010 I'm thinking about people....cause I have to write an essay about humanity...What is Humanity?? The only thing I know is that it's...

9 Apr 2010

Cooking lesson

Sometimes...you can just admire..and think that you're just too lazy to do this.. :DD
5 BRAINWASH: April 2010 Sometimes...you can just admire..and think that you're just too lazy to do this.. :DD
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